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Coffee for Social Impact – Introducing Bean United’s Partners

Bean United is a social business, which means that transparency is essential to us. Part of this is to introduce the projects we work with so that you can understand how your coffee creates social impact every day. We are dedicated to using the power of coffee for social impact, as each kilogram of Bean United coffee generates €2.50 which directly funds social projects.

children at a school in Burundi look at the front of the classroom

Supporting positive change

Our mission is to support individuals to lead a life with more freedom and self-determination. According to this mission, we choose our partners – organizations who follow the same mission as us, which is to change as many lives as possible for the better. For this purpose, Bean United has two partners, one in Burundi and one in Germany.

School Meals Program in Burundi

In Burundi, our formula for social impact is very simple: 1 = 10. What does this mean? A school meal provided by the NGO Welthungerhilfe, our partner in Burundi, costs €0,25. For each kilogram of coffee we sell, €2,50 go directly into funding school meals. This means that children are guaranteed one warm meal a day, which supports their healthy development. Also, as an effect, children come to school and receive not only food but also education. If school meals are offered, attendance in class increases significantly – and education is an essential part of creating a better future.

At the beginning of 2023, Bean United reached the milestone of 1 million school meals in Burundi!

severeal children at a school in Northern Burundi receive their school meals

Digital integration and education in Germany

In Germany, our partner also shares our mission to provide more self-determination and education: The ReDI School of Digital Education makes digital education accessible for both migrants and marginalized locals. As part of our cooperation with ReDI School, we support the “Digital Women Program”. Our corporate customers have to possibility to support this program – per kilogram of coffee, €2,50 go into the “Digital Women Program” which aims to empower women by providing digital literacy which equips them to achieve both personal and professional goals.

a woman with a hijab sits at a laptop during ReDI Schools classes

scene from a course at ReDI school of digital integration

We are both happy and proud to work with partners who share our values and our mission. With the support of the Welthungerhilfe and ReDI School we can truly make a difference every day – and so can you by choosing Bean United coffee.


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